Thank you for your continued support in making a difference in our At-Promise students and the lives of Opportunity Youth! A couple quick items below include a summary of why RAPSA is a vocal advocate of using the term "at-promise" instead of "at-risk" and a profile of a long-term member of the RAPSA Network, Momentum Strategy & Research.
Why Change At-Risk to At-Promise?
"By the time I was 15 years old, I had been incarcerated three times…A teacher that cared reached out and managed to tap into my soul," says Dr. Victor Rios in his Ted Talk.
As a society, we tend to view youth from underserved communities unfairly. We use terms like "at risk" and "marginalized" to describe them, assuming that their personal and professional lives will inevitably lead to failure due to their circumstances.
However, labeling youth as "at-risk" presumes that these children will have poor outcomes without giving them a chance to prove themselves. Furthermore, these terms perpetuate destructive stereotypes of young people in our country, failing to define who they truly are and what they can contribute to our world.
For Reaching At Promise Students Association and for those who work with youth from challenging backgrounds prefer the term "at-promise youth." This term acknowledges the extraordinary potential every young person possesses and views them from a strength-based perspective. It reminds us that youth have natural gifts and innate potential for greatness. Circumstances do not define youth; how they overcome those circumstances defines who they are and what they are capable of achieving.
However, in many districts At Promise students are supported and their achievements are celebrated. Source: Los Angeles County Office of Education Operation Graduation 2023: Celebrating At-Promise Graduates, Their Accomplishments and The Future
RAPSA Network Spotlight
RAPSA could not exist without its supporting members, and one of its long-term partners is Momentum Strategy & Research.
Momentum is a Colorado-based, non-profit organization is committed to ensuring that all students have access to a quality education. This involves collecting, disseminating, and helping schools implement information, tools, and resources to strengthen K12 opportunities for all students.
The Momentum team has years of experience diligently working to ensure all students are given the opportunity to obtain a quality education. Whether it be conducting accurate evaluations to make sure schools remain open, or assisting charter schools by providing funding opportunities and other valuable resources, the work they are doing makes a difference for at-promise students and opportunity youth. Momentum Strategy & Research contribute to the fabric of high-quality alternative education that provides at-promise students with academic options that complement their personal life journey. Thank you Momentum for your support of RAPSA!
Thank you, and we look forward to collaborating with you to better serve our at-promise students!
RAPSA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization 27-0757357. Join the Network here.