Building Promise During COVID – 19

Building Promise During COVID - 19

RAPSA Forum 2020

RAPSA’s Forums provide up to date information about progress on meaningful accountability policies for schools serving at-promise students. As states increasingly adopt alternative accountability policies, school leaders are challenged to design systems and pedagogies that put alternative accountability in practice. This year’s Forum includes 9 sessions with perspectives by leading experts from California, Colorado, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon, Texas and Utah.

And Still They Rise: Lessons from Students in NYC

In this session, we’ll present findings from a new study based on the survey responses of 842 transfer high school students.  “And Still They Rise: Lessons from Students in New York City’s Alternative Transfer High Schools,” is a report from The Public Science Project at The Graduate Center of The City University of New York. Hear from the researchers and transfer school alumni as we examine the vibrant dedication, desire, education, struggles, and hopes of New York City youth. Transfer schools seek and deserve an accountability structure that takes a holistic and individuated approach to these schools and students, careful to not overburden them with misdirected state inter­vention or to stifle the very successes they were designed to cultivate.

Alternative Accountability for Reengaging Out of School Youth

Join Jorge Ruiz de Velasco, Taskforce Co-chair, Stanford’s Gardner Center and Terrance Mims, Superintendent, School for Integrated Academics and Technologies (SIATech) in a discussion of the impact of these metrics on reengaging at-promise youth moderated by SIATech’s Chief Data and Marketing Officer Linda Leigh. Join the conversation about the value of actionable metrics for schools serving reengaged and other at-promise students and the intricacies of using data that is relevant for (1) state accountability, (2) informing district, county and charter management organization oversight and (3) informing school level student-centered
supports and instructional approaches.