Alternative Accountability

Alternative Accountability in Practice

RAPSA Forum 2020

RAPSA’s Forums provide up to date information about progress on meaningful accountability policies for schools serving at-promise students. As states increasingly adopt alternative accountability policies, school leaders are challenged to design systems and pedagogies that put alternative accountability in practice. This year’s Forum includes 9 sessions with perspectives by leading experts from California, Colorado, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon, Texas and Utah.

From NY to LA, New Goals for New Times

The A-GAME team, and the educators they collaborate with, believes that the best way to support student learning is to have schools and authorizers (and school districts) work together to create measurable, actionable goals that are rigorous while at the same time responsive to the school's population, mission, and vision. By working with A-GAME facilitators, authorizers and alternative education campuses can identify the unique key areas of their school's program and determine strong standards of achievement for all students, especially the most vulnerable. Using an approach that focuses both on the students' past, current trajectory, and future expectations, the goals are responsive to the school's population and result in illuminating the areas of strength and growth. Join us in learning about how this work is in practice by hearing from two authorizers about their own process and experience collaborating with their AECs.
  • David Frank(Speaker)New York State Education Department, Executive Director, Charter School Office
  • Kari Croft(Speaker)Da Vinci RISE High School
  • Delia Castillo(Speaker)Los Angeles County Office of Education
  • Naomi DeVeaux(Moderator)National Charter Schools Institute, Vice President of Authorizing & Accountability

Transforming Systems of Single Best Practices to Equity 

Presentation Slides
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) has endorsed several initiatives to ensure equitable access and outcomes for all students. Many schools and districts practice these initiatives in silos which certainly creates equity and access for some students, however, in order to promote equity and access for all students, schools and districts can commit to implementing Quantum Ten (Q10), a new framework that integrates multiple frameworks, practices and theories. Q10 promotes equity in education for all.