RAPSA 2024 Strand Highlight: Equitable Access to Workforce Development

RAPSA Forum 2024 Strand Equitable Access to Workforce Development

The goal for this strand is to effectively and efficiently meet the needs of all At-Promise students. This includes an understanding of the various teaching strategies, maintaining supportive relationships and environments as well as strategically analyzing the educational structures and making adjustments as needed. Similar to this strand is Equitable Access to Workforce Development, which will be the topic discussed in this article. 

At-Promise Students and Opportunity Youth often face barriers that prevent them from accessing workforce development programs. These roadblocks are often due to systemic inequalities such as inadequate access to educational opportunities, socioeconomic status and racial disparities.  

There is a great deal of work being done to help these At-Promise students and Opportunity Youth to ensure they are receiving equitable access to workforce opportunities. One way these advancements are achieved is through fostering collaboration and networking among individuals committed to advancing equitable access to workforce development programs. One group in particular that is taking part in this effort is North San Diego County Promise.

This organization states their collective efforts are “focused on inclusionary systems change and ensuring our marginalized communities have equitable access to educational, economic and life opportunities.”

The organization implements the framework of Collective Impact which according to their website is defined as “network of community members, organizations, and institutions who advance equity by learning together, aligning, and integrating their actions to achieve population and systems level change.” 

The North San Diego County Promise and its partners have created a collaborative team of individuals and organizations that are committed to help youth achieve success not only through high school but well beyond into college and career. They help accomplish their goals “through our data-informed, continuous-improvement approach to collaboration, we focus on the greatest needs of students and families, aligning our resources, and measuring our collective impact.”

A top priority for NSDP is to provide students with local community programs and resources to help prepare them for their future, whether it be higher education or a career. “The North San Diego County Promise’s College and Career Readiness Collective Action Network is comprised of individuals and organizations committed to helping all children and young adults reach their fullest potential.” 

The organization has implemented two programs to help achieve their goals, one is through providing internships to help students gain career exposure. Local North County businesses and organizations come together to expose students to various  career opportunities in their local area. Another way NSDP hopes to bridge the gap is by providing mentorship opportunities. They seek individuals that are “willing to share their personal life experiences and professional journeys as inspiration for youth.”

This organization is dedicating themselves to find practices that best support their community of students and ensure they are helping guide them towards success. 

The North San Diego County Promise has taken the idea of workforce development and then tailored it to a specific community making sure they receive equitable access. This is a key example of our theme of 2024, as this organization is providing equitable opportunities through innovation. They, however, are just one example of the diligent work being done to better serve our students. We are excited to hear about other organizations that are committed to creating change for our students at the 2024 RAPSA Forum. 

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